Import web pages
You can import content from a web page that you have collected with NCapture.
You need NVivo for Mac 10.1 or later to import web pages collected with NCapture.
What do you want to do?
Web pages can be captured and imported into NVivo as PDF sources. Before you can import web pages into NVivo, you first need to have captured the content with NCapture.
You can also use NCapture to collect PDF documents displayed in your web browser and then import them into NVivo.
NCapture is a web browser extension that enables you to gather material from the web to import into NVivo. You need NVivo for Mac 10.1 (or later) to import content from NCapture.
For more information, refer to the following topics in the NCapture Help:
Import captured web pages
On the Data tab, in the Import group, click NCapture.
dialog opens displaying the default (or previously selected) folder location
and any NCapture files that are stored at that location. If you want,
you can import NCapture files from a different location—click , and then change the folder
Select the capture files that you want to import. If you want to import all of the NCapture files in the current location that have not been previously imported into your project, click Select captures not previously imported.
Click Import. The NCapture files are imported into the current folder location in your project.
If a source with the same name already exists in the folder in your project, a number is appended to the name to make it unique—for example, Effects of Climate Change on Marine Life would become Effects of Climate Change on Marine Life (2).
If you specified nodes at the time of capture, the entire source is coded at these nodes.
Any hyperlinks from the original web page are retained in the source—press ⌘ and click a link to follow it.
Files imported from NCapture are automatically classified with the source classification 'Reference'. Information about the web page (metadata)—for example, URL and Access Date—is stored as attribute values for the source.